10 Ways to Celebrate Lammas

Looking for Lammas ideas? Here's some fun, creative ways to celebrate the abundance of summer that you (maybe) haven't thought of.

Celebrate Lammas this year with one of these festive, inspiring ideas!  From making beeswax candles to picking sunflowers, check a few of these off your pagan bucket list this Lughnasadh.

The harvest has begun, the weather is warm and fall is just on the horizon.  Soak up what remains of summer and make the most of the waning light.

Here are just a few ideas to make this year’s Lammas spectacular.

Last updated 05/07/2023

1.  Have a popcorn party.  

Looking for a gluten free alternative to Lammas bread? Try this recipe for herbal popcorn instead.

Lammas is all about the grain harvest, and popcorn is an easy way to highlight this.

Make it from scratch and make loads of it.  This is a great theme for a Lammas party if you’re involving kids.  There’s all kinds of nifty crafts you can make with it.  

Bonus points for incorporating seasonal herbs, like this gourmet herbal popcorn recipe.

2.  Make beeswax candles.  

The bees have been working furiously all summer long.  Celebrate their glory!  Beeswax candles are easy to make, even for someone who has never made candles before.   Get some wax from a craft store or (even better) a local beekeeper and make a bunch for the coming fall season.

3.  Pick your own sunflowers.  

I did this last year with some friends.  This is also a really nice activity if you have kids involved.  They can each pick their own sunflower and even if you have ten, it’s still really cheap to make them all happy.  Go home and enjoy your bliss.

4. Bake bread from scratch.  

Mmmm . . . spiral bread with herbal butter and pesto. A lot easier than it looks.

The art of bread baking connects you with an ancient tradition that dates back thousands of years.  If you’re new to bread making, try a simple recipe, and if you’re an old hand, up your game by getting really creative.  Try one of our many, many Lammas bread recipes, and don’t forget to make a small offering loaf for the altar!

5.  Do up your Lammas altar all pretty.  

You have to have something going on there until Mabon.  

Use any of the above items—sunflowers, popcorn, beeswax candles, baked bread.  Make it a whole event thing.  Go to the craft store, pick out some lovely gold fabric.  Add hard harvest vegetables and shimmering tea lights.  Stand back to admire your work.

6.  Try canning.  

Preserving the harvest (if you do it right!) is something you will really appreciate three months from now when fresh local produce is hard to come by.  Did your grandmother pass along a recipe for jam?  Try it!  Love them local pears?  Can them and use them in a Yule dish later this year.

7.  Do a solitary Lammas ritual.  

Going solitary this Lammas?  Try our Lammas ritual for solitaries and make it magical!  

8.  Make blackberry pancakes for dinner.  

Use whole wheat flour.  Both blackberries and whole wheat have special significance for Lammas.  Add a natural maple syrup, some spicy candlelight and bowl full of freshly harvested berries.

9.  Toast the sunset.  

As the Wheel of the Year turns, and the light begins to recede, take some time to honor the sunset.  Grab a bottle of champagne or harvest wine, some smudge sticks, and a picnic blanket.  Find a quiet, natural setting to enjoy the sun as it slides over the horizon.

10.  Set off leftover firecrackers.  All of them. 

What better way to celebrate the summer than to (safely) blow things up?   If you can drive far enough away that your neighbors won’t phone the police, blow off some steam with this spectacular summer send-off.

Moody Moons School of Metaphysical Arts offers online courses in magical herbalism, beginning witchcraft, potion making and more!

Check out these 10 creative ways to celebrate Lammas that you (maybe) haven't already heard.


  1. I love making corn chowder for Lammas, along with a fresh loaf of bread. Fall is my favorite season of the year and I love incorporating those oranges and browns into my autumn altar.

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