10 Ways to Use Lapis Lazuli in Witchcraft

Tranquil, soothing and beautiful, lapis lazuli’s timeless mystical appeal drew the admiration of ancient royalty.  Today, practitioners of crystal magick use it in a variety of ways.  Want to try it?  Here are a few simple, creative and inspiring ideas to incorporate this unique stone into your spell work and rituals.

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If this subject interests you, be sure to check out my article, 10 Ways to Use Clear Quartz.

10 ways to use lapis lazuli in witchcraft

Hold a piece to sooth stress or anxiety.  People struggling with mild anxiety sometimes feel relief when holding a piece of lapis lazuli.

Place it near the hearth of the home to harmonize disrupted relationships.  Kids bickering?  Are you and your partner inexplicably annoying each other lately?  Try a piece of lapis lazuli near the heart of the home (living room, kitchen, wherever everyone spends the most time together in the house) to help quiet tempers and promote cooperation.

Use during dark moon divination to symbolize the night sky.  With its dark blue color and tiny, flashing golden flecks of pyrite, lapis lazuli resembles a star-filled, moonless horizon.  Keep a piece near during your dark moon divinations to draw in the energy of the darkest nights of the month.

Place a piece on an Egyptian altar.  If you honor the Egyptian Pantheon in your practice, place a piece of lapis lazuli on your altar to draw out your “inner queen.”  Egyptian pharaohs ground the gemstone into an deep-indigo powder for use as eye shadow or to dye clothing.  Its brilliant hue symbolized royalty and power.

Place it in mojo bags for inner peace.   Include lapis lazuli in inner peace mojo bags for its wonderfully calming properties.   Let it smooth out frayed nerves and quiet the rough tides of your spirit.

Bring it with you into deceptive situations.  If you suspect dishonesty afoot, carry a piece of lapis lazuli to encourage the truth to service.  But take caution!  Expect it to unmask your own deceptions, too!  Especially the ones you tell yourself.

Toss one in the cauldron for tranquility and reconciliation brews.   
Lapis Lazuli’s tendency to encourage people to empathize with their partners, family members and friends deeply allows them to see past their personal frustrations and misunderstandings, clearing obstacles that stand in the way of healthier interpersonal connections.

Carry it to sooth stage fright.  If speaking in public makes you nervous, carry a piece to calm your nerves and center your emotions before presentations and performances.

Wear it during meditation to open the third eye.  Lapis lazuli’s chakra correspondence rests on the Third Eye, a both literal and figurative place in the body between and slightly above your eyebrows.  The third eye “sees” the invisible and informs your intuitive senses.

Give it as a gift.  This gemstone blesses deep friendships.  Give it to a new or old friend in raw form or set into jewelry.

Crystal Vaults

Balance Chakra


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