10 Free Ways to Enrich Your Pagan Life

Don’t get me wrong.  As a pagan business owner, I fully encourage an occasional indulgence in witchy treats.  Get that new broom you’ve been eyeing, try the exotic incense blend, go for the gemstone that sparkles pretty.

But I also want the pagan experience to be available and accessible to anyone, at any time in her life, whether or not she has the cash to spend on ritual “luxury” items.  So here’s a quick list of ideas to enhance and deepen your pagan life that won’t cost you a cent.


1.  Go to the library.  Remember that place?  With the books?  Kind of like Amazon, except it’s free and you’re not stuck with a clunky hardback taking up shelf space after you’re done reading it.  Even in the most conservative parts of the country, most libraries have at least a few books on the subject of paganism, Wicca or the occult.  And if they don’t, be creative!  You can build kitchen witch spells from cookbooks, learn how to raise herbs from gardening manuals, and learn about ancient Roman gods in the world history section.

2.  Meditate.  If you’ve been neglecting your meditation practice, it’s time to get back in the groove.  Even short meditation session of five minutes or less promote wellness of the body and mind.

3.  Check out a public ritual.  Odds are, there’s one within 20 miles of you.  Sites like Meetup.com and Witchvox will help you find “your people.”  With the exception of women’s only groups or other specialty events, most public rituals welcome everyone and are usually free.

4.  Try fasting.  Practiced for thousands of years by traditions around the globe, the spiritual benefits of fasting are almost universally recognized by every major faith in the world.  Unless you are pregnant, sick, diabetic or have another medical condition that might be compromised by a fast, short fasts are safe for most people.  Fasting promotes self-discipline, higher meditative states and can even have health benefits if used in moderation.

5.  Teach a workshop.  Are you uniquely qualified in a particular branch of paganism?  Maybe you know how to make brooms, or when it comes to the Nordic gods, you really know your sh*t.  Share it!  Most event organizers are thrilled to have volunteers, and you learn as much, if not more, by teaching than you do taking a class yourself.

6.  Get crafty.  Challenge yourself to throw together a spell or ritual using only what you have on hand.

7.  Commune with nature.  I mean, duh.  This probably sounds obvious to a community of self-proclaimed nature-worshippers, but be honest: how much time do you really spend outside every day?  More or less time than you spend in front of a screen?  I am betting less.  Nearly all of us need more time in the fresh air.

8.  Bond with your familiar.  Whether yours is furry or scaly, take some one on one time to reconnect.  She may have a message for you.

9.  Memorize.  Do you know your astrological signs by heart?  Maybe you’d like to know a piece of pagan poetry by heart to bust out at rituals?  Just taking the time to commit small aspects of ritual life can be rewarding and meditative.

10.  Try Reiki.  Honestly, I personally have no opinion on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Reiki.  My personal experience with it is limited.  But if you are looking for a new spiritual interest, Reiki is safe, and if you’re willing to study on your own, it’s free to learn, requiring few, if any tools to get you started.


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