Chaos Tarot Spread

choas spread

Have things gotten a little crazy lately?  Don’t know which end is up?

Perfect for the seeker feeling a little out of sorts, this spread is designed to help tame the mess and make sense of your surroundings.

1.  Your foundation.  This card represents the most stable force in your life.

2.  The “disrupter.”   Signifies the catalyst of your current situation.

3.   Hidden agenda.   The underlying motives that make up the root cause—whether they   are yours or someone else’s.

4.  The obstacle.  What stands in your way right now.

5.  What you’re meant to learn.  Represents the test you must pass in order to restore calm.

6.  Who or what will help you.  Signifies who or what you should seek help from.

7.  Final outcome.  How things will ultimately play out if you continue on the current path.

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